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Swagelok North Texas

Your Authorized Swagelok North Texas Sales and Service Center

Installation & Tube Bending Essentials

tube bending

Course Objective

This course is a combination of two Swagelok Certified courses designed to increase safety and decrease cost at your company.  Guided by Swagelok Certified Instructors, each participant will receive two Certifications, a Tube Fitting Installation Certification and a Tube Bending Certification after successfully completing the course and practical evaluations.

Course Criteria & Focus

Tube Fitting Installation Essentials:

•Proper assembly of tube fittings
•Tube fitting and tubing safety
•Minimizing fluid system leakage and errors
•Thread identification
•Awarded with Swagelok Tube Fitting Installation Certification

Tube Bending Essentials:

•Learning time-saving techniques
•Making 45°, 90°, 180°, and offset bends
•Proper use of hand tube benders
•Hands-on exercises and final practical exam
•Awarded with Swagelok Tube Bender Certification