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Swagelok North Texas

Your Authorized Swagelok North Texas Sales and Service Center

Chemical and Petrochemical Industry

Pressure Tested

With process and analytical instrumentation from Swagelok, you get the knowledge you need to drive solutions that optimize your process.

From maintaining accurate pressure, temperature, flow and analytical measurements to improving uptime of rotating equipment and emissions monitoring systems, the pressure to improve performance doesn’t stop. For that, you don’t need parts—you need partnerships. That’s what you get with Swagelok. 

Studies on reliability-related mechanical downtime and slowdowns in chemical plants have found that efficiency losses or product loss due to fluid system fouling, plugging, freezing, corrosion, and cracking is becoming more common.  Improving your fluid systems through energy audits, sampling system optimization and mechanical efficiency programs can yield:

  • Reduction in labor required for maintenance
  • Improved process efficiency through high performance rotating equipment, heating systems, and reactors
  • Optimized  performance of utilities
  • Improved energy intensity metrics

Fine-Tuning for Optimum Performance

With advanced products to optimize your system, plus services and training, Swagelok prepares process analytical engineers, technicians, and maintenance personnel to catch mistakes before they happen. Our experts will teach yours to recognize existing problems in installed systems, fine-tune for optimum performance and, ultimately, provide a timely result that is representative of the fluid in the process line at the time the sample was taken. Improve cost-saving and corrective actions with Swagelok North Texas.