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Swagelok North Texas

Your Authorized Swagelok North Texas Sales and Service Center

Construction Project Support

Construction Project Support


In construction, you're looking for ease of project management, trouble-free start-up, and minimal maintenance after commissioning. Construction Project Support from Swagelok is designed to provide architecture and engineering firms, contractors and owners/operators with comprehensive coverage during new construction projects and existing facility modifications.

Swagelok North Texas enables complete project delivery anywhere in the US. We work with you at every point in the process, wherever you need expertise, focusing on your unique needs.

We understand the complexities related to each job role, below are some of the offerings Swagelok North Texas uses to minimize the stress during a project:

Architects and Engineers

Architects and Engineers

Swagelok's suite of quality products, aligned with your fluid system needs, ensures that your project will perform to its fullest potential. Engineers are available to collaborate with you on detailed drawings and specifications. Very often, we can recommend choices that will simplify installation and maintenance.  For example:



Swagelok delivers products manufactured in compliance with the strictest of regulations, with all appropriate approvals and certifications, ensuring compliance and performance that meet or exceed regional and industry requirements. We can offer support with:

Construction Owner

Owners and Operators

In the design phase and throughout fabrication and construction, our experts consider the bigger picture – how technical decisions relate to budgets and costs, on-time and trouble-free start-up, and predictable and minimal maintenance into the future.

-Hose Advisory Services
-Energy Survey
-Technical Support
-Access to new products and technologies


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